Hymn to St. Stephen
Hail, Saint Stephen, glorious martyr,
First to shed your blood for Christ,
You embraced the Gospel message,
Took to heart its saving might;
Placing all your faith in Jesus,
Faithful to the truth that guides,
Giving witness to the Lord’s Name,
Martyr, victor, crowned by Christ.

Hail Saint Stephen, deacon, servant,
Worker for Christ’s Church on earth,
Carer of the poor and needy,
Steward of its goods most fair;
Placing all your faith in Jesus,
Faithful to the truth that guides,
Giving witness to the Lord’s Name,
Martyr, victor, crowned by Christ.

Hail Saint Stephen, full of courage,
Steadfast servant of the Lord,
Bold to face the persecution
Brought by those whose lives were flawed;
Placing all your faith in Jesus,
Faithful to the truth that guides,
Giving witness to the Lord’s Name,
Martyr, victor, crowned by Christ.

Hail Saint Stephen, stoned for Jesus,
Gazing on the Lord in heaven,
Praying for your killers’ pardon,
Spirit in the hands of God;
Placing all your faith in Jesus,
Faithful to the truth that guides,
Giving witness to the Lord’s Name,
Martyr, victor, crowned by Christ.
                          Fr. G. J. Woodall, 2024
                          Tune: Ode to joy 87 87D

Hymn to the Most Holy Trinity

1.  Great God of love, Father, Son and Spirit,
Eternal life, of holiness and truth;
One only God in Trinity of Persons,
We adore Your Name and praise You all our days.
With all the angels, we bow down in song;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of heaven and earth;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of heaven and earth!

2.  In Your eternal love, Creator of all beings,
All that exists depends on You for life;
You created us, in Your own image and likeness;
Man and woman You call to show Your love on earth.
With all the angels, we bow down in song;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of heaven and earth;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of heaven and earth!

3. Endowed with mind and heart, You let us know Your goodness,
You call us to share, to subdue the face of the earth,
To use the gifts You bestow, to work to help our neighbour,
To live in justice and peace with all the nations on earth. 
With all the angels, we bow down in song;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of heaven and earth;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of heaven and earth!
4. Our selfishness and sin have made our world a ruin,
Hatred, war and despair bring pain, suffering and death;
In stubbornness and pride, we do not heed Your calling;
Turn us back to You, and heal us with Your love.
With all the angels, we bow down in song;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of heaven and earth;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of heaven and earth!
5. Your Son came on earth; He conquered death and sin;
From His open side flowed water, blood and love;
Sacraments of the Church, source of healing and strength,
You transform our lives, give hope once more to us.
With all the angels, we bow down in song;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of heaven and earth;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of heaven and earth!
6. Man and woman You call to life-long communion of love,
Collaborating with You, to bring new children to birth;
Domestic cell of the Church, to love, forgive and nurture,
To grow together in trust, to share their gifts with all.
With all the angels, we bow down in song;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of heaven and earth;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of heaven and earth!
7. Speak Your words again! That prejudice, hatred and anger
In You may be replaced by reconciling hope;
In You the rights of all the persons and peoples on earth
May be respected by all, and peace may reign once more.
With all the angels, we bow down in song;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of heaven and earth;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of heaven and earth!


(11 10 11 10 9 11: Tune: La Suissesse, adapted by J.N. Goulé, Westminster Hymnal, Burns & Oates, 1960; Appx 10, p. 428.   Text Copyright, Fr.  G.J. Woodall, 2024)
 (Certificate of Licences & Services, granted to Sacred Heart Catholic church, Skegness; Licence number 22106945, expires 28 Feb., 2025.)