Books and articles

  • A Passion for Justice

    This book provides a theological and juridical introduction and explanation on the various aspects of the Church’s life. The schematic presentation of “key canons” is designed to enable the reader to understand the principal elements of a specific section and to see how those canons can be broken down so that their inter-related parts may be read, analysed and applied. The Code of Canon Law, then, can be seen as a valuable instrument in fulfilling the Church’s mission for those with a passion for justice, rooted in the Gospel of Christ.

  • Humanae Vitae, forty years on

    This book by Fr G J Woodall offers a translation of this major encyclical together with a detailed commentary which enables the reader to understand the Church’s message and which sheds light on the richness of the teaching. It is intended for the general public and conveys the wealth of pastoral teaching contained in Humanae Vitae, a wealth that has too often been overlooked.

  • Vaccines and Catholic morality

    What is offered in this brief assessment avoids scandalous compromises with what is of its nature immoral, and this advice may be followed with confidence by those Catholics and others of good will who may be perplexed about this very delicate moral issue.

  • Recent Appointments to the Pontifical Academy for Life

    Some of the recent appointments of people as members of the Pontifical Academy for Life have provoked anxiety and dismay.